Fundamentals of Agronomy Chapter 4- Nutrient Use Efficiency Notes | Unit 1

Nutrient Use Efficiency

Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) is a critically important concept in the evaluation of crop production systems. It can be greatly impacted by fertilizer management as well as by soil- and plant-water management. The objective of nutrient use is to increase the overall performance of cropping systems by providing economically optimum nourishment to the crop while minimizing nutrient losses from the field. NUE addresses some but not all aspects of that performance.

Therefore, system optimization goals necessarily include overall productivity as well as NUE. NUE is a critically important concept for evaluating crop production systems and can be greatly impacted by fertilizer management as well as soil- and plant-water relationships. NUE indicates the potential for nutrient losses to the environment from cropping systems as managers strive to meet the increasing societal demand for food, fiber and fuel. NUE measures are not measures of nutrient loss since nutrients can be retained in soil and systems with relatively low NUE may not necessarily be harmful to the environment, while those with high NUE may not be harmless. We will provide examples of these situations later in the chapter that illustrates why the interpretation of NUE measurements must be done within a known context.

The Objective of Nutrient Use and Nutrient Use Efficiency

The objective of nutrient use is to increase the overall performance of cropping systems by providing economically optimum nourishment to the crop while minimizing nutrient losses from the field and supporting agricultural system sustainability through contributions to soil fertility or other soil quality components. NUE addresses some but not all aspects of that performance. The most valuable NUE improvements are those contributing most to overall cropping system performance. Therefore, management practices that improve NUE without reducing productivity or the potential for future productivity increases are likely to be most valuable. If the pursuit of improved NUE impairs current or future productivity, the need for cropping fragile lands will likely increase. Fragile lands usually support systems with lower NUE that also use waterless efficiently. At the same time, as nutrient rates increase towards an optimum, productivity continues to increase but at a decreasing rate, and NUE typically declines. The extent of the decline will be determined by the source, time, and place factors, other cultural practices, as well as soil and climatic conditions.

Common Measures of NUE and their Application

An excellent review of NUE measurements and calculations was written by Dobermann (2007). Partial factor productivity (PFP) is a simple production efficiency expression, calculated in units of crop yield per unit of nutrient applied. It is easily calculated for any farm that keeps records of inputs and yields. It can also be calculated at the regional and national level, provided reliable statistics on input use and crop yields are available. However, partial factor productivity values vary among crops in different cropping systems, because crops differ in their nutrient and water needs. A comparison between crops and rotations is particularly difficult if it is based on fresh matter yields since these differ greatly depending on crop moisture contents (e.g. potato vs cereals). Therefore, geographic regions with different cropping systems are difficult to compare with this indicator.

Agronomic efficiency (AE) is calculated in units of yield increase per unit of nutrient applied. It more closely reflects the direct production impact of an applied fertilizer and relates directly to economic return. The calculation of AE requires knowledge of yield without nutrient input, so is only known when research plots with zero nutrient input have been implemented on the farm. If it is calculated using data from annual trials rather than long-term trials, the NUE of the applied fertilizer is often underestimated because of the residual effects of the application on future crops.

Estimating long-term contribution of fertilizer to crop yield requires long-term trials.

Partial nutrient balance (PNB) is the simplest form of nutrient recovery efficiency, usually expressed as nutrient output per unit of nutrient input (a ratio of “removal to use”). Less frequently it is reported as “output minus input.” PNB can be measured or estimated by crop producers as well as at the regional or national level. Often the assumption is made that a PNB close to 1 suggests that soil fertility will be sustained at a steady state. However, since the balance calculation is a partial balance and nutrient removal by processes, such as erosion and leaching are usually not included, using a PNB of 1 as an indicator of soil fertility sustainability can be misleading, particularly in regions with very low indigenous soil fertility and low inputs and production, such as Sub-Saharan Africa. Also, all nutrient inputs are rarely included in the balance calculations, thus the modifier, partial, in the term. Biological N fixation, recoverable manure nutrients, biosolids, irrigation water, and the atmosphere can all be nutrient sources in addition to fertilizer. Values well below 1, where nutrient inputs far exceed nutrient removal, might suggest avoidable nutrient losses and thus the need for improved NUE (Snyder and Bruulsema, 2007); attainable values, however, are cropping system and soil specific. A PNB greater than 1 means more nutrients are removed with the harvested crop than applied by fertilizer and/or manure, a situation equivalent to “soil mining” of nutrients. This situation may be desired if available nutrient contents in the soil are known to be higher than recommended.

However, in cases where soil nutrient concentration is at or below recommended levels, a PNB >1 must be regarded as unsustainable (Brentrup and Palliere, 2010). Over the short term and on individual farms, PNB can show substantial fluctuations due to cash flow and market conditions, especially for P and K. Longer-term assessment of PNB over several years is, therefore, more useful.

Apparent recovery efficiency (RE) is one of the more complex forms of NUE expressions and is most commonly defined as the difference in nutrient uptake in above-ground parts of the plant between the fertilized and unfertilized crop relative to the quantity of nutrient applied. It is often the preferred NUE expression by scientists studying the nutrient response of the crop. Like AE, it can only be measured when a plot without nutrient has been implemented on the site, but in addition, requires measurement of nutrient concentrations in the crop. And, like AE, when calculated from annual response data, it will often underestimate long-term NUE.

Internal utilization efficiency (IE) is defined as the yield in relation to total nutrient uptake. It varies with genotype, environment and management. A very high IE suggests a deficiency of that nutrient. Low IE suggests poor internal nutrient conversion due to other stresses (deficiencies of other nutrients, drought stress, heat stress, mineral toxicities, pests, etc.).

Physiological efficiency (PE) is defined as the yield increase in relation to the increase in crop uptake of the nutrient in above-ground parts of the plant. Like AE and RE, it needs a plot without application of the nutrient of interest to be implemented on the site. It also requires the measurement of nutrient concentrations in the crop and is mainly measured and used in research.

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